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Strawberry Festival Committee

The FLOW Annual Strawberry Festival is one of the BIGGEST events in town!  So it comes as no surprise that an event this big requires a committee of highly motivated volunteers to organize and execute this event.  This cherished community event would not be possible without the help of community members like you willing to serve.  We hope that you will consider joining us to help organize our BIGGEST fundraiser of the year!  



Current Vacancies

(see below for details)

*Strawberry Festival Committee Chair
*Strawberry Festival Co-Chair
*Logistics Assistant Committee Chair
*Face Painting Committee Chair

*Food Vendors Committee Chair

*Games Committee Chair

*Sand Art Committee Chair

Committee Chairpersons


Strawberry Festival Chairperson

Oversees the Strawberry Festival Committee, facilitates meetings, aids the logistics chairperson, and attends monthly FLOW Board of Directors meetings. 


Strawberry Festival Co-Chair

Assists the Festival Chairperson



Works with the committee to provide for all of the logistical needs of the fesitval.  Sets up contracts with town for trash/recycling and for the table rentals, works with the high school for all on-site needs, and communicates with police and the fire dept. for event day logistics: parking, traffic, electrical etc. 

Logistics Assistant

Assists the Logistics Chairperson



Organizes the cash boxes for the Book Fair Presale and Festival, provides cash pickups throughout the festival, tracks expenses and income, reports earnings after festival, and makes sure all proceeds are deposited in the bank.


Sends letters to all sponsors from the previous year and asks if they would like to sponsor again, for the same amount, and thanks them for their past generocity.  He/she includes a stamped, addressed envelope to return the sponsorship payment, personally contacts all sponsors who donated $1,000 or more and follows up with a letter, recruits new sponsors.


Works with co-chairs on the festival poster, prints and distributes all advertisements associated with festival including posters, flyers, press releases, etc., updates and makes sure large road signs and banners are out two weeks prior to festival, organizes a photo-op prior to the festival for all local newspapers, invites all local publicity to the festival, greets journalists at the festival and makes sure they have everything they need to write up an article, takes pictures of the work that goes into the festival and during the festival, runs the design contest including advertising/organizing/voting/contacting the winner for photo op and displays the entries/winners at the festival.


Runs the membership booth at the festival and trys to be creative about recruiting new members (ex: Red Sox Tickets), is present at the Book Fair pre-sale to sign up new memberships and checks on membership status.


Recruits volunteers to work shifts for set-up, throughout the day of the festival, and for clean-up, and sets up the Sign-up Genius.

Food Vendors

Contacts all food vendors to see if they would like to participate, identifies logistical needs (#tables, chairs, signage, etc.) for each vendor and makes sure those needs are met the day of the festival.


Food/Drink Donations

Organizes all food and drink donations (ex: whipped cream, hotdogs, hamburgers, and buns, cheese, biscuit mix, chips, etc.), purchases other food items such as strawberries, etc., makes sure there are enough drinks (sodas, water, and juice boxes) to sell the day of the festival, and ensures enough ice is premade at WHS to keep them cool, organizes drink stations the day of the festival and makes sure to stock them througout the day.

Face Painting

Staffs the face painting area, makes a sign with pictures of choices for each face painter, purchases supplies needed the day of the festival, reportes logistical needs (#tables, chairs, signage etc.).


Contacts all prior entertainment to see if they would like to be involved again, sends letters to confirm the date/time of performance, has a rain plan for the festival, provides the groups with a room to prepare (get dressed etc.), identifies logistical needs for each group (# tables, chairs, signage, electrical etc.), sends out thank you's to each group for being a part of the festival, contacts the DJ.


Dunk Tank

Recruits local teachers, coaches, and "celebrities" to dunk at the festival.


Recruits "celebrity chefs" to cover grilling responsibilities throughout the day and identifies logistical needs (assists in placement of grills, # tables, chairs, etc.).

Strawberry Shortcakes

Recruits volunteers needed to man the shortcake area the day of the festival, recruits bakers and strawberry slicers for shortcakes, organizes drop off and pick up of biscuit mix and strawberries with preparation instructions, suggests the layout for shortcake area, indentifies logistical needs (#tables, chairs, ice cream scoops, etc.), manages the shortcake area set-up, and clean up the day of the festival.


Asks businesses and people for raffle donations, organizes donations for the day of the festival, creates and names baskets, distributes raffle winners.


Works with game rental company to negotiate the best price for equipment and services to be rented, suggests optimal layout for game area, identifies logistical needs (#tables, chairs, signage, electrical, etc.), purchases game bracelets, introduces new carnival style games, and purchases prizes.


Sand Art


Staffs the sand art area, purchases supplies needed for the day of the festival, reports logistical needs (#tables, chairs, signage etc.).

Balloon Artist

Staffs the balloon twisting area, purchases supplies needed for the day of the festival, reports logistical needs (#tables, chairs, signage etc.).

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